2020 Presenters

2020 Presenters

See courses available from each of our 2020 Presenters

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JOHN DAY - bio

  • Tennessee Law of Jury Selection
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    In case you are feeling rusty because you’ve not tried a jury trial lately, John will bring you into the groove with his comprehensive discussion of the law concerning jury selection in civil cases.  

  • 10 Things Civil Trial Lawyers Ought to Know - Procedure/Evidence Tips (Part 1)
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    John will guide you as only John can through a discussion of the essential procedural and evidentiary issues that every civil trial lawyer must understand to succeed.  

  • 10 Things Civil Trial Lawyers Ought to Know - Procedure/Evidence Tips (Part 2)
    (1 Hour General Credit))

    John will continue his discussion of the essential procedural and evidentiary issues that every civil trial lawyer must understand to succeed, in this part two of what you should know.

  • Tort and Comparative Fault Law Update (Part 1)
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    No one leaves a Day on Torts session without being impressed with John’s comprehensive knowledge of this area of the law.  In this two-part session, John will review and comment on recent tort and comparative fault opinions to help you navigate this complex and ever-changing area of the law.

  • Tort and Comparative Fault Law Update (Part 2)
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    John continues his review of the recent tort and comparative fault opinions, giving you an up-to-the-minute picture of the current state of the law in this practice area and offering his expert analysis of how emerging trends will likely affect your practice.


  • How to Get Him/Her/Them/It into Court
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    Joe Riley and Penny White

    1 Hour General Credit 

    If you’ve never witnessed this teaching duo, you don’t know what you’re missing!  Neither is ever in doubt of the position they take on legal issues.  Through a series of hypotheticals, Joe and Penny will lead a discussion about tricky service of process and other procedural issues.  

  • Mediation – Tips and Techniques
    (1 Hour General Mediator Credit; 1 Hour Dual Credit)

    After hanging up his robe, Joe became a trained mediator and, since, has mediated all kinds of civil cases.  For mediation tips and techniques and their ethical consequences from the judge-turned-mediator point of view, join Joe for this discussion.  

  • Mediating with Insurance Companies
    (1 Hour General Mediator Credit; 1 Hour Dual Credit)

    Most of Joe’s mediation cases involved insurance companies who insured one of the parties.  In this discussion, Joe will offer guidance to plaintiff and defense counsel which will include ethical issues which may arise.

  • United States Supreme Court Review (Part 1)
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    Nothing compares to Joe’s annual review of cases decided by the United States Supreme Court. Joe first discusses various political happenings over the past year, which have impacted the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. He then discusses numerous U.S. Supreme Court decisions issued during the 2019-20 term.  Joe not only reviews the cases, but also addresses the likely impact, the division among the justices, and trends in the Court’s jurisprudence.

  • United States Supreme Court Review (Part 2) & Civil and Criminal Procedure
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    Joe finalizes his discussion of U.S. Supreme Court decisions issued during the 2019-20 term. He then discusses an event all too common in civil litigation: civil and criminal cases pending at the same time, involving the same underlying facts. His advice to lawyers facing this scenario will prove immensely valuable to both plaintiff and defense counsel.


  • Ethics - Breaking up is Hard to Do
    (1.5 Hours Dual Credit)

    What do the Rules of Professional Conduct require when we “break up” with a client or leave our firm?  What are the circumstances that allow us to withdraw from representation without permission and when is permission required?  And what can we tell our clients when we leave one firm and go to another?  Penny will discuss these and related issues that arise when lawyers withdraw, leave firms, or get fired in this presentation.

  • Upping Your Evidence IQ
    (1.5 Hours General Credit)

    Penny takes a fresh look at a number of evidence issues based on a unique and memorable perspective - if you aren't familiar with framing, embracing "FWP," equivalent evidentiary alternatives, summary witnesses, and curative admissibility - to name a few, then join her for this opportunity to up your evidence game.  As Penny is fond of saying, "lawyers who know the rules of evidence... win."

  • How to Get Him/Her/Them/It into Court
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    Penny White and Joe Riley

    If you’ve never witnessed this teaching duo, you don’t know what you’re missing!  Neither is ever in doubt of the position they take on legal issues.  Through a series of hypotheticals, Joe and Penny will lead a discussion about tricky service of process and other procedural issues.  

  • Recent Decisions (2020) - Procedure, Employment, Evidence, Family Law (Part 1)
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    In a lightning-round format, Penny reviews significant decisions from the United States Supreme Court, the Tennessee Supreme Court, and the Tennessee appellate courts in the areas of civil and appellate procedure, employment law, evidence, family law, and estates, while Joe summarizes and offers commentary about recently enacted state legislation.

  • Recent Decisions (2020) - Procedure, Employment, Evidence, Family Law (Part 2) and Legislation
    (1 Hour General Credit)

    Penny continues to review significant decisions from the United States Supreme Court, the Tennessee Supreme Court, and the Tennessee appellate courts in the areas of civil and appellate procedure, employment law, evidence, family law, and estates, while Joe discusses the Tennessee legislature and various bills passed during the 2020 session.

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